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Posted on 2nd Jul, 2015 in Publications

The project that I've been working on with Ghislain Thibault (newly appointed to the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Montreal) on the history of mechnology was recently awarded a three-year Insight Grant. The project focused on the development of mechanology and the philosophical analysis of machines in relation to research that uses the production of media (films, photographs, texts) as a mode of analysis. We hope to have a website up for the project soon where we can highlight some of the excellent materials we've been finding in the archives.

In the meantime, here's a short film of the philosopher Gilbert Simondon. Which was, as I've written before, written to be included in a series of films about machines directed by Jean Le Moyne meant to explain mechanology to the world. It's a good example of some of what we'll be talking about in the project.


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